Monday, July 30, 2007

Grandmothering is sooo much fun!

Yesterday [Sun] my grandaughter--and her parents--came to visit. I love visiting with her parents, but she is the most fun! We went barefoot out into the yard. She examined every flower, naming colors and gleefully discovering the various trolls among them [Others might call them gnomes, but to me they are trolls--another topic for another time] One was sleeping and hidden behind a new mass of purple flowers, so we had to find him a new place. Chloe tried more than a dozen before she was satisfied.

We walked around to the backyard and to my tiny garden. Finally, I have tomatoes!!! We counted at least ten [they're really hiding] and several peppers, picked some basil leaves to crush and smell, and followed the tendrils of squash and pumkin that are growing wildly crazy out of the box and blooming with bright orange blossoms that hopefully mean the fruit is not far behind!

In one corner ther was a little blank spot. Just the right size for the sleeping dwarf. This is where he now reposes, keeping watch over the vegetable garden. Chloe was right. The garden neede a dwarf, too.

I have really loved havng these visits off and on. Even Todd [our shy cat] came out to see Chloe. Her exuberant, " Hi, Todd!." was a little too much and he hid again, but he did creep out a couple more times. He's ready to see her--just not have her see him! But she pets Fleury and they seem to have reached quite an understsnding. She talks to "Furry" awhile, then goes on to something else. She often returns, and he mostly just accepts her now, recognizing she is part of he family. At least we'll see them one more time before this lovely [for me anyway] interlude is over. I know they are looking forward to being home for good, but it has been so nice to see them fairly regularly this summer.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

And Life Speeds On

Last week on Monday, I actually went to bed earlyish, knowing I had to be up on time to go the Family History Center. As it turned out, I was almost an hour late. Erica woke me with horrible news--she'd just been informed of the death of her assistant hockey coach from Richmond. Now, as a Richmond City cop, this was not totally unespected EXCEPT he was not killed in the line of duty as we always feared, but was home on vacation in the NY finger lakes region and while boating at night, with all the lights on, he was run over by a larger boat being driven by a drunk boat driver! John was killed instantly, his girlfriend lived a short while, but also died as she made it to shore [rescued].

In a town of 2,000, there were over 1200 at the funeral. Including over 70 Richmond cops, Henrico, VA cops, local NY cops, sheriffs etc. firefighters from all the above, last year's la crosse team from Benedictine HS in Richmond [John was their coach] this summer's hockey teammates [including Erica's old coach and the friend who had notified her] as well as other misc hockey friends.] John was the youngest of seven in a "typical" Irish Catholic family. It was a wonderful funeral, and we all left feeling much better than when we came.

Except for the exhaustion. We drove to Niagra Falls [how could we go that close and not stop?] and had a lovely afternoon seeing the American side--we were obviously not prepared for that side trip. Made it into OH and stopped for the night. The previous night had taken much time searching for a place "at the inn" due to the huge amount of visitor's for the funeral.

Slept in until checkout time, and got home late aft/early evening. For those of you who do not normally drive in OH--if and when you do, follow traffic laws carefully--so many cops out with radar guns on our highways! And no--we did NOT get pulled over--just observed!

The next morning saw me at church with Richard at 5:30 am. I got to go to my first Youth Conference!!! I loved it! We went to Kirtland [yes, retracing part of the previous day's drive!] I had warned all the drivers about the abundance of law enforcement. Let's just say they were all grateful for the warning. I also warned that the exit for Kirtland was closed, and we would have to go up one further to detour. Valuable information, right? Guess what--ODOT, the highway dept--not my friend since taking away my traffic light, now made a liar out of me--they had it open again!

The van Richard rode in missed the exit--by a LOT--and the driver was the guy who grew up in that area!

I've been to Kirtland several times before, but this was different. For one, the whole area is changed--the highway has been moved so that it does not run right through the church/historic sites. Much safer! Also, there are more restored sites now. I loved the Ashery. It is possibly the only restored ashery in North America! Seeing the Whitney store was always something, but add the sawmill, ashery, seperate house, and so one and one begins to get a more real picture of what that family gave up in material wealth for te church. Then the next day we went to te Johnson Farm. Again, recognition of what was given through the Laws of Concecration and Sacrifice, and I am embarrassed by the piddly bits of what we tend to give today. Those early Saints gave EVERYTHING! We give so little. There were huge groups who lived in absolute poverty because they gave up all and gathered to Zion.

I also was unaware of the Curse placed on OH when the Saints finally left [driven out] or that the Curse was officially lifted some years ago by the prophet, and that new promises were given to "the Ohio" and that here in Canal we are a part of that!

I rode in a van of all boys [not Richard--he was with girls!] always an education, and was, of course, in the dorm with the girls [we stayed at Hiram College] another education [flip side!]
A great time was had by one and all. Richard even danced on dance with me Fri night--"I will acknowledge your existance for one dance." was his way of asking me. Oh well, at least I got one!

Sunday I started my new SS assignment--I now teach the adult class [they took away my 12 year olds--hear me whine!] It went OK. But now I have to work doubly hard at preparing! 'Cause just being 54 does not put me way ahead any longer. And back to work on the Nativity. Ah well. Still have the Arkansas trip to look forward to. [Going to collect friends for a visit.]

I am really grateful for my kids and their BRILLIANCE and for the wonderful experiences I have because of them. Each one. Next week is a hockey week.

Today I got to attend the Temple with a friend, then go visiting teaching. Life is really good when we can make the most of our experiences.

My next door neighbor had her baby--girl just 7 lbs, 20 1/2": Aubrey. Lots of dark hair. I enjoyed holding her today. And at Friday's dance I had a partner, William, for over an hour. While other girls came for him, I was able to fend them off--he was just my speed at 4 months! See: lovely experiences because of my kids. And life speeds on.