Wednesday, August 30, 2006


My weeks currently tend to lurch from Wed to Wed. This is the day we have our staff production meetings for our Ward's big Nativity Pageant: Prophecy Unfolds. I have discovered how truely difficult it is to do something of this proportion for the first time. In the future, they will be building upon what we do this year. But this year...I just hope and pray we've not bitten off more than we can chew. I'm getting a little worried because I am leaving to go to Sariah in just a few weeks, and we are not to where I wanted to be at this time. Of course, I had to put a chunk of the building schedule on hold because of someone elses's trip to Utah. And then I've had to devote hours and hours to costuming (which I had not planned to do at all!) because the sister who was to "be in charge" had an unscheduled surgery. Now that she's beginning to function, I'm hoping to be shut of costumes soon. (fingers crossed)

It is so very much easier to do things in the proper order. In this case: 1]design 2]procure materials 3] build. Unfortunately when working with an essentially non-budget the order has been 1] design 2] beg for donated materials 3] be promised materials 4] re-design to fit what you will have 5] try to collect on all the promised materials 6] build with what you have AND re-design again around the holes in your needs 7] beg for specific needs and hopefully 8] will be to finish up. Sigh.

Last week, as we evaluated our needs, our wonderful Bishop said, "Give me a number. How much money do I need to pray for?" After much discussion, we came up with no real hard figures, but were up in the $800 range, so he said," Let's make it an even $1000. I can pray for that."

The Lord does answer prayers in mysterious ways. Last Sat. we went to look at stair units that a local theatre company has. Our director helped build some of the original units several decades ago, and there are still people there that she worked with, so we were hoping to get a break in the rental price. Turned out that the pieces that suit us best need refurbishing. We have the exact materials for this in abundance. We are getting the units for 4 months for free--except that we will return them in proper condition! That's over $150 right there!

One man in the ward was recently at the dump and noticed six pillars. He salvaged them, and they will be our outer pillars--perfect sizing! Free! Now I only have to build the five inner ones!

Then, yesterday I received a phone call from one of our missionaries. Elder M said they had talked to this guy who has a hobby of making armor, and he'd been toying with the idea of trying Roman armor next anyway, and he is interested in making our armor for us. I e-mailed the guy right away, and attached the costume renderings of our 8 soldiers (4 Roman footsoldiers, a centurian, and a tribune, plus 2 Jewish Temple guards) I eagerly await his response.

Keep praying, Bishop! :D

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