Friday, September 15, 2006

Wisdom and Announcements

Wow! We had a hard drive crash. (Yes, again) Actually, we caught on before it crashed and were able to save everything we wanted on our jump drive. Thank goodness. If I'd had to start from scratch typing in all my genealogy yet again...

So, my advice from the top of the mountain (where all gurus and oracles and wisewomen sit) is:
BACK EVERYTHING IMPORTANT UP ON A JUMP DRIVE!!! That way it is independent of computer problems.

The second piece of advise is to KNOW WHERE THE JUMP DRIVE IS AT ALL TIMES! I'm having a little bit of difficulty with that one at the moment as it was left in other than its proper place when I was not home, and no one else [but the cats--and they're not telling] is home at the moment.

Third, do SOMETHING to be able to find your list of favorites after you are back on line--it is a royal pain trying to find things all over again. Obviously, I've not yet resolved this is a laborious process!

Announcing my big birthday present [OK, my birthday isn't till 1 Oct, but I will be gone, and this was best to do now, so my husband did: I now have two monitors connected!!! Thank you Most Patient of Husbands! [MPH--that's what I'll call him.] And thank you Lura for making this possibility known to me.

Announcing [since Sariah has now done so] A new grandson! Parker Benjamin! I may have been waaay off on the date--but I was right in one regard--although I am able to go out earlier than originally planned, I couldn't go until Sat--tomorrow. So I was right in that his arrival timing would be awkward! Sariah's had several days of needing help coverage by her new Relief Society Sisters. Than goodness for the Church network. Gotto go pack :D

Saturday, September 09, 2006

We have a Bethlehem Marketplace,, and I am exhausted. But it is shaping up, and everyone now seems to get the this week was worth it. Next week, time is scheduled to devote to costuming. Then I leave!!!

I am so looking forward to my visit to Arizona. Playing with, reading to, and cuddling grandsons. What could be better? Life is actually pretty good. Even tho. my husband is currently out of work [a major theme in our ward!] There are options opening up to him, and I know we'll be OK in the end. As I earlier told Sariah, everything will work out. I can't see the end from the beginning as can the Lord, but it will work out one way or another.

Last unemployment time, I was upset every minute, but this time I am totally calm. I know that the Lord wants me here through the Nativity Pageant which also guarantees Richard this semester in his HS. I hope to remain here 'til he graduates--at least [two years]. We'll see.

But in the meantime: because of his job loss, Keith has been walking three miles daily, which has tremendously helped his back, which is in the best shape in over a decade! He is also working with the dr. on fiddling with his meds, which is improving other situations. All blessings unobtainable while he was working in that job.

I am so totally focused on Nativity, genealogy, book club, Sunday school, and family that I don't have time to think about difficultes.

Erica is back in school and sounds like she is off to a great start this year (see her blog).

Richard is off to a good start this year--he's even toying with the idea of joining French club. I encourage his club joining. He's also in the Nativity Pageant, playing a little pick-up hockey, attending early morning seminary, taking fine arts, and looking towards auditioning for the upcoming show, so his life is filling out as well.

A sad farewell to Fuma. The last of our series of guinea pigs, she was 5 years old and in distress, so we had to put her down this week. The cats miss her, too. It's funny how an animal living entirely in a cage really does become part of the family. As I cut vegetable for lunch today. I cried--not from onions, but because I always gave the end pieces of my tomatoes to Fuma, as well as the inner parts of the bell peppers--her favorite treats. So... Farewell Fuma. Now frisking about in a better place.

News from the older kids continues to be basically good, so my corner of the world is looking pretty nice. I hope we can all say that as we enter this new year. Incidently, I believe the year goes from Sept to June. July and Aug are just sorta out there. Thus speaketh a retired teacher!

Friday, September 01, 2006


A couple nights ago I sat in the chair vegging out in front of the TV. I couldn't even say what was on. It had been a long day, I was tired, and now I started having a seizure. It was in my upper left arm. I sat there watching it jerk for awhile. Why I always find seizures so fascinating, I don't know, but I do. They are so varied both in type and intensity, so I tend to watch and to anylize the severity of each one. Anyway, as it drew to a close, I felt my arm, and it was hard!!! I'm talking about my left, weak and flabbly arm!

To my great surprise, nay, utter astonishment, I discovered that I have a [drumroll, please]
muscle! That's right! A real honest to goodness bicept in my left arm! For the first time since the early '70's!

I had noticed of late, that my left arm looks almost 'normal' now. I attribute that to bicycling--just hanging on with my left hand has made a change...but a bicept! Wow!

Wednesday Amended

Oops! Once again, I did not have place for comment on my post. Please comment! This is my chatting outlet--and I need it! I never mean to not have a comment place. I know I need to go back into the whole set-up thing to fix it properly, but I'm afraid of messing things up beyond repair! So I apologize, and I'll try to watch out that I put the comment thing on. [Wouldn't Dad get on my case? thing, thing, THING!] :p