Friday, September 15, 2006

Wisdom and Announcements

Wow! We had a hard drive crash. (Yes, again) Actually, we caught on before it crashed and were able to save everything we wanted on our jump drive. Thank goodness. If I'd had to start from scratch typing in all my genealogy yet again...

So, my advice from the top of the mountain (where all gurus and oracles and wisewomen sit) is:
BACK EVERYTHING IMPORTANT UP ON A JUMP DRIVE!!! That way it is independent of computer problems.

The second piece of advise is to KNOW WHERE THE JUMP DRIVE IS AT ALL TIMES! I'm having a little bit of difficulty with that one at the moment as it was left in other than its proper place when I was not home, and no one else [but the cats--and they're not telling] is home at the moment.

Third, do SOMETHING to be able to find your list of favorites after you are back on line--it is a royal pain trying to find things all over again. Obviously, I've not yet resolved this is a laborious process!

Announcing my big birthday present [OK, my birthday isn't till 1 Oct, but I will be gone, and this was best to do now, so my husband did: I now have two monitors connected!!! Thank you Most Patient of Husbands! [MPH--that's what I'll call him.] And thank you Lura for making this possibility known to me.

Announcing [since Sariah has now done so] A new grandson! Parker Benjamin! I may have been waaay off on the date--but I was right in one regard--although I am able to go out earlier than originally planned, I couldn't go until Sat--tomorrow. So I was right in that his arrival timing would be awkward! Sariah's had several days of needing help coverage by her new Relief Society Sisters. Than goodness for the Church network. Gotto go pack :D


Proud Mum said...

Our computer died this summer, too. That stuff is devastating. Lucky for us, though, it wasn't the hard drive, and we were able to transfer all of our important stuff to the new hard drive. However, during the initial crash we thought maybe it was the hard drive ...

I can totally relate. Glad you're up and running again!

Anonymous said...

When I was in college I had all of my creative writing for my final 60 pg portfolio (which was my final) on only one disk. It got erased. I learned my lesson to back things up then. I got it redone, after much hard work and panic, etc. (long story there)

Speaking of which, I think I need to back up all of my writing, it's been a while . . .

Allrie said...

Everything was backed up on a jump drive. So supposedly, what's the problem? is getting everything set up just how you like it. I don't have the same set up at all! Now that I am home and will be using this computer, it will be organized soon, but meanwhile, I have to hunt for eferything. And I finally just finnished clearing out all my e-mail! I never looked at it while I was away. Nice for then, but hectic now! There were a few really importantand somewhat timely things on there, too. Oh the speed of a modern life!