Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Love is Like Pizza?

Notice to my corner of the world: I am home! I am back online! Well, sorta--I'm still awfully sleepy. Chasing around with grandchildren will do that to a person. Why did I not realize until Aiden and I were discussing our respective birthdays [2 days apart] that our ages are 50 years apart! Right now I feel everyone of them! Young children are for young parents.

But it was a great trip! I got to see all three of my older kids, their spouses and children, my sister, a niece, and be with my daughter and grandson for his blessing. I got to help both my daughters. And I got to know my grandsons at this stage of life. [ my granddaughter too, but didn't get to spend as much time with her.]

I begin to understand now what my father meant when he claimed that I named my kids in a way he couldn't remember their names: Sariah, Vinnie[after him!] Lura [after an aunt]. It isn't the names, but the getting to know the person behind the name. I got to be there at the hospital immediately after Aiden was born, then had him [with parents] visit in VA. Got to see him again when brother, Dallin was born, and now spent a great deal of one on one time with him. So I feel a special bond there. At this point, I can honestly say that I feel a special, yet quite different bond with each of the grandchildren, and eagerly look forward to the next one's arrival in the spring. Isn't it amazing how one's heart seems to grow larger and larger with the addition of each new family member. It is not a case of fractions where each piece of the pizza ends up smaller and smaller, but a case of multiplication, where there is a pizza ordered for each person no matter their size or age! Years ago, my uncle taught that lesson. He never worried about how many pieces each person would get, he simply counted up the number of people [including infants] and ordered that many pizzas. We not only never went away hungry, but we never really had leftovers, either.

So, I guess that for today I am saying that: Love is like pizza--everyone should get his own? or there is enough for everyone.


Proud Mum said...

Love is like pizza, I like that!

Welcome back, I'm glad you had a great trip. (Sure made me wish I could see my own mother more often, though!)

Allrie said...


Funny thing is, I wish I could see my Mom, too. {She passed on a few years ago.] Guess those feelings never do change.

Lura said...

Glad you're safely home, Mom. I loved having you here though, and I miss you. I hope you'll be able to come again in March when Gareth is born.

Allrie said...

That's the plan...even tho I didn't get bumped, so I don't have a free ticket for this one :)