Monday, December 18, 2006

Christmas--post Nativity

The Nativity Enactment has been two years in the creating, and has completed its first run. We did 8 performances in 2 nights, plus 2 run throughs as a final dress reh with audience from our familes. We had tickets out for 50 people per perf, but averaged over 60 per perf. It is the talk of the town. As a missionary effort, it has already paid off. As a community event, it has already been requested a repeat next year [fully intended.] And our new stake president is much more supportive, so perhaps we'll get some stake monies to help out next year. This year, we squeezed every auxilary budget as much as possible and then some!

We are looking forward to having other activities again--once the final clean-up is done. We had a ward FHE tonight, unfortunately not enough attended to get it all done, but we're getting there. I'm glad I won't see the garbage men's faces when they go to unload our dumpsters this week--over full for tomorrow, and then we'll fill them right up again for the Thurs pick-up!

Stage sets are stored in Bishop Hay's barn, costumes upstairs in our chapel, props divided between the two, and life continues.

Now to get ready for our family Christmas...I haven't even begun---Domani! Richard has just the one final, so he can take me shopping. and Erica gets home Wed! I did my Christamas cards over Thanksgiving, but am unable to find them...does this mean I start over? yipes!

And I AM going to make farfalette dolci for Epiphany this year--but haven't even started Christmas baking yet. Better get busy, eh?


Lura said...

I need to send out Christmas cards too. At least I got the presents sent to you guys! And I've been baking a lot. Of course that's because every couple of days the cookies or whatever I've made are gone so I have to make more. Jesse says I just need to not be such a good cook and then food will last longer. What a weirdo.

Allrie said...

I have made purchases, but have not been to the post office--hopefully tomorrow :D