Tuesday, April 01, 2008

X--I Know ItsTaken a Long Time!

X is a useful letter. It has really gotten me thinking...I had some great ideas...
X is For Ex-es, and I had lots of thoughts about writing about how after sveral decades exes and new spouses and families can get along! But the whole idea freaks ouit Sariah, after years of wanting us to be friends, but now it is just too late for her to comprehend!
X is for Crossing Things Out as in fixing errors--but woth the advent of the computer, we no longer really cross things out much. [The newFamilySearch does use a crossing, or at least lining things out!]
X is for X-ray. Very important for diagnosing all sorts of medical problems. And there are a batch of different types of X-Rays now, as well!
X is for Xylophone. We all know that from kids' ABC's books--and from all the xylophone toys kids have.
X is for Christ. Learning as I did this year, that X-mas is not a modern invention, but the the X represented Christ on the cross, made that "abbreviation" much more palatable.
X Marks the Spot. It can be a fine game for FHE or whatever.
So X is for all sorts of things...what should I write about? What can I wax eloquent upon?
Obviously, not much--either the topic was too deep, or it was too shallow. I am having a really hard time. I don't write as well as some, like terrierchica, Sariah or Julia. But I do know that X is Not what ? I want to see in my genealogy--X's equaling blanks, and I am desperately working away. T new FS is great, but a lot of work. It will be great as it gets up and working well. I really want to do this. So X is getting to work as am I. The more I work at it, the more ignorant I feel. The more I need to work. And I encourage any and everyone to work on your Family History so yours will not be filled with X's but with real people!


Anonymous said...

I like your x-post. :-) and I enjoy your writing. Only two more letters left now! You're nearly there.

Allrie said...

Thank you for your encouragement, goofyj, But what do I do when I finish the alphabet? You are going to have to give me an assignment or it will be genealogy all the time!