Friday, November 09, 2007

Q is for Quiet

Along about one of the last few days of Sept. my daughter arrived with her two little boys, aged 2 and 7 mo. to stay for a month. It was wonderful having them here--even if I spent over half the time sick. And I got sick as they recovered!

Finally everyone was well, and everyone adjusted. The last week and a half were terrific! I miss them so much!

They left 1 Nov, fairly early in the morning. Suddenly it was quiet...a quiet so loud that it screamed, "QUIET " in our house. Oh there is still noise--from outside, from TV and radio and even the refrigerator hum. But it is so QUIET! I still have not put the toy baskets away in the garage, but there are no musical toys playing.

I like the quiet at the church when I go over by myself and work on costumes [unpacking from last year, ironing, organizing]. I like the quiet as I sleep at night. I like the quiet as the colder temperatures drive us inside more and close our windows. But I miss my daughter's company. And I miss my grandsons playing, talking, and, yes, even crying. [I love cuddling and singing the baby to sleep!]

Yep, Q is for Quiet. Both bad and good.


Lura said...

I don't miss the crying. Mainly because to me it often feels like it never stops--especially when we have really bad episodes at 2 am and the child will NOT go back to sleep.

Anonymous said...

There has been one time where I have really missed the crying. When we were at the hospital with our son Jacob before and after his surgery. I would sit and admist all the annoying beeps and buzzes, and the music we played to try to drown them out, it seemed quiet. That was when I realized that I would give anything to here him cry, or make any sound.

Now however, I don't miss the crying quite so much ;) but I definitely have a different perspective on it.

Great post. :)

Allrie said...

Thanks, girls. I honestly don't mis constant crying--and I had plenty of those days and nights--especially with 6 kids aged 6 & down--a 6 mo old and a 4 mo old at once![then 7 mo & 5 mo etc] so
i know what you mean. But it goes back to what Lela's Mom said, that babies are so cute tso that when they cry etc. we can take it and deal with it. Also, it gives us sweet memories to hold onto doing the turbulent teen years. And they must be turbulent so we are willing to lert our kids go. Makes me feel better to think of it that way!