Sunday, December 16, 2007

T is for...

Time to spend as I like--reading, watching TV, visiting friends, sleeping, and a whole host of other things.

Toys to purchase--Christmas presents for family and friends. [Remember, we don't all define toys the same!]

Television to relax by, or to bake by or quilt by or a myriad of other things that occupy hands but leave the mind to wander.

Travel near and far. Not that I'm doing a lot just now, but a girl can dream, can't she?

Tools. I've told my family that I want a drill bit set for Christmas. I'm tired of having to take a trip to the hardware store every time I need a different drill bit!

Want to hear a joke? While set up was madly going on for the Nativity, one man sent his young son over for a hammer from my toolbox. "Be careful not to mess up Brother B's tools," he said.
Ha ha ha. Get it?! Brother B's the first to admit he breaks out in hives at the very idea of entering the hardware store, whereas, it is one of my favorite stopping places in town.

Town. I like mine. I hope we can work it out to stay awhile.

Talk. I like to talk with family and friends, and am grateful for the internet as well as
Telephones which make the communication lines easy to keep open.

Ta- Ta. And I'm going to get this alphabet finished off in a more timely manner now.


Anonymous said...

Baby is sleeping and I thought I would nab a moment to catch up on blogs. :) I have enjoyed reading your last couple alphabet posts. :) We had snow on Christmas - which is down-right unusual in OR - and it was magical, it seemed to make an already perfect Christmas even more so. :) I loved your Ts too! :)

Allrie said...

Thanks goofyj. I may reach the end of the alphabet yet--but not this year. [ha ha]