Monday, April 16, 2007

Musings on Fear II

I must add to my musings of yesterday. In light of today's tragic shootings at Virginia Tech, I fear for my children's friends as well. I was almost as relieved as my daughter to learn that one of her good friends was OK [I was especially fond of him anyway, of all her hockey teammates ever...and got on very well with his parents, too.] But the worry is still there as another teammate is not yet accounted for. Lists of the dead and injured have not yet been released, and I fear to see his name on the wrong list.

So many vagaries of life...I fear for the children of my friends as well as I work with the youth in my ward. I am comforted by the words of the prophets, knowing we are in the end times, and despite worry [equated with fear] try to "be of good cheer" as we strive to do that which we know is right. We can do no more.


Zen Mama said...

I find it interesting that you were musing on fear the day before the attacks.
You're right, we can do no more than bee of good cheer. (and let our loved ones know, often, how much we love them.) I hope everyone you know and love is accounted for by now!

Allrie said...

Thank you. Yes, the final friend was located. He apparantly left the building and drove home--to Ricmond. Can't blame him, but friends at school could ot locate him!