Wednesday, October 03, 2007

N is for . . . NUMBERS!

I hate 'em! When I was younger, they would dance all over my page, so I ended up with the neatest arithmetic papers ever--I needed to have a huge margin above , below, and on both sides of each problem! Somehow, I suffered though all the higher math I needed for college. Then when I returned to school after a decade of absence, things had changed...more math [and I thought I had done with it!] Somehow or other, when I took my CBEST [CA teacher's exams] I actually pulled off an "above average"!

I even taught math...first grade level! That is about all I can handle.

But...I love the show Numbers. The mathematical talk and equations confuse me, but I find the whole idea a fascinating one. Guess some of my Dad's love of math rubbed off despite my best efforts to avoid numbers for life!

Time to go count some sheep!


Anonymous said...

That is the best show ever! It is one of my husband's and my favorites. :) I did my U post today and put up the most hillarious video/song about moms (my mom sent it to me this mornign). Be sure to listen to it for a good laugh. :)

terrierchica said...

I like math. I'm just not that good at it.

Logorithms are one of my favourite subjects.