Sunday, February 25, 2007

Frustration--I had just finished my post when I accidently hit a wrong key and poof! It was gone. Sigh.

Today I took action on an idea which had perculated in my mind for some time, thanks to Sariah and ABQ. I talked to my Relief Society Pres. and she agreed. We are going to do a pair-up of young families with older families/couples who have no other family in the area. The need for an instant babysitter arrives, but where to turn? This will make it possible to have a surrogate Grandma who knows the kids and their routines etc. It seems like the need is not great in our ward because there are so many who are related, but for those who are not...I think the need is enormous! So we are going to do it! :)


After the fire last week in our housing development, we have a concern. We were blocked in or out for several hours. We need another way in/out! And it is in place, but blocked by poles in the ground. Apparantly, rescue vehicles know they can run right through these poles,
but what about the lady who has just gone into labor and needs to get to the hospital? Or the Mom who needs to pick up her child from school or wherever? That particular corner falls under the aegis of Columbus, so we need to petition them to open it up. It seems the problem is that it is not wide enough. So let's widen it! It is as wide as the street it leads out to which is now heavily trafficked because of the light shut down. If there had been another emergency of any kind in or whole housing development that afternoon, they would have just been out of luck! I am not the first person to be concerned about this, but I will organize neighbors and fight for what we need. I think we have a much better chance here that we ever had in saving our traffic light! So I'm off to the races again!