Monday, May 08, 2006

Fighting ODOT

The fight against ODOT [OH Dept of Transportatuion] continues. Our mayor now knows me, and thanked me for spearheading this final battle. I've about 8 pages of signatures already and today went to visit the several housing development offices located on Lehman Rd. which runs parallel to our road, and although only one wide lane paved [two vehicles can squeeze by in most places] and will get the brunt of the traffic increase. As I talk to the corporate offices tomorrow, I hope to persuade them to contact ODOT as it will directly and adversly, affect their sales. The businesses are all up in arms--most had not known until this past week that the turning off of our traffic light was basically a done deal. ODOT says they're continuing to study it. Well, if the continuing studies are anything like what has been done already [counting traffic in the middle of the day, not during rush hour etc.] well, they need help. So I am trying tosee that they get it. Dad came up with another idea. As Lehman road will obviously require immediate attention--that will put a burden on Franklin county for part of it, but pockets of it are in Columbus technically, so I'm going to contact the Columbus city offices, too. They would have a lot more pull than the tiny village we live in has. If anyone has any other ideas...I'm open to suggestions.


fourth_fret said...

i don't have any advice, allrie. sounds like you are taking the battle to the right people. i admire you for doing this.

i like to blog about stuff. i don't like to actually take action. heh.

can you say big o' chicken? cause i am. and i'm ok with that. ;)

Allrie said...

I can SAY big chicken...but I suspect tat you are selling yourself short.

I am 1] in a stage of life where I CAN do this sort of thinf and 2] DESPERATE because of the affect this light has for me.