Saturday, May 20, 2006

Fun and Games

I come from a game family. My grandparents mostly played cribbage and other card games. My parents expanded with Monopoly and Careers and a couple others. I have NO card sense, so I stick to the board games--especially word games. My husband came from the war games genre [Gettysburg, Midway etc.] We tried to combine over Risk.

As time went by, in our family a couple of "pre-rules" were added: first came 'Never play with Vinnie' because he always cheated. [to be fair--he was a jr hi aged kid back then] Then 'Never play with Erica' was added because she won the game in one turn a couple times. NOT written, but strickly followed is not to play with Mom [due to melt-downs] So we have a very hard time for a game loving family on just what to play. Occasionally we can get Dad [my hubby--just for Erica!]to play Monopoly or Trivial Pursuit...but that's about it.

ANNOUNCEMENT!!! Dad played Phase Ten with us tonight!!! Richard was constant [irritating] noise. I couldn't begin to count the number of times Erica hit Richard, and he retaliated more times than I could count, yet Dad suffered through it all! [He enjoys when the kids are all home and we play games and he's upstairs hearing us--he just doesn't usually join in.]

It was fun and weird. And he said no to so many other choices...too long, too boisterous etc.
But we persevered, and I think he had a little fun despite himself. :D


fourth_fret said...

that's awesome.

game families are the best families. we grew up on dominoes... cards were frowned upon. i never fully understood that, but it was my grandmother's rules.

monopoly is a favorite of mine. and when my family was here last month, i was introduced to phase 10. that game didn't like me much. and people were getting snippy. heh.

that's what is fun about games though... you see sides of people you never knew... and sometimes, you hide under the table because of it. ;)

Anonymous said...

We are a huge game family. Paul and I are always playing some game or another, and our girls are starting to play more and more too. It is so much fun. Oh, I love playing with our friends to on a game night, it is a hoot! :)

Allrie said...

Dominoes are one of my favorites as well...but no one will play with me anymore...sigh.

I loved how so many games would say age 8 and up. but my kids started much earlier--first as team mates--then on their own.

FF--I suspect your grandmother was against "face cards". There are two schools of thought a to why they are 'bad'. 1] they promote gambling and 2] they descend from tarot or fortune telling cards.

My feeling? So don't gamble or tell fortunes! [Since I usually lose at card games, the first holds no tewmptation for me, and the second...well, I would really rather not know too much about the future even if I could. But I don't think you can anyway.

Goofy, do you have a regular game night?

April_Mommy said...

Someday you guys should try SkipBo or my new favorite Ziggity... I am such a game person!

Lura said...

As one of Allrie's children, I'm big on playing games. My favorite is Clue. I also love Pit (which gets very loud and we can only play it when Dad isn't home). Jesse likes games, but he prefers the role playing kind which I find extremely boring and way too long. So, I constantly try to convince him to play games with me, which doesn't really work as then there's only 2 of us, and you typically need at least 4 to make a good game. We need people to play with us.

fourth_fret said...

oh, i'm sure that's it allrie. but uh, there was a domino hall by grandaddy frequented and i'd bet you dollars to donuts he gambled.

oops. i seem to have inherited the willingness to bet. heh. i had no idea.

Allrie said...

AM--Thanks! SkipBo! That's it! Friends brought it and we played and Dad even said he enjoyed that game, so I've wanted to get it but couldn't remember what it was!

L--There's plenty of games for Scrabble! Seriously there are some...dominoes...Mille!

FF-Hmmm...Do you have newly discovered betting genes?

Lura said...

Haha, Mom. You know I hate Scrabble, that's why I let you keep my Scrabble game! I know I finally beat you, but it was only twice, and one of those times Jesse was helping me. I don't think I'll ever beat him, either, and games just aren't fun if there's no chance you might win.

Allrie said...

You know I said that---just for you! I love you, Lura!