Friday, May 05, 2006

Mrs. Mike and a bike ride

The bookclub I am in reads a great variety of books. This last month we read Mrs. Mike. My copy did not come from the libray nor did I have to purchase it. My copy says "ex libris Marjorie Alma Sipe" on its bookplate. That was my mother's name. She bought the book in 1947 when it first came out--I have an original printing. I always thought it was fiction, but secretly hoped it wasn't as the dedication says "To Nana". I hoped it was the children or grandchilren of the main character who wrote it. (Freedman) The newer printings with their "about the authors" etc. make it clear. The book is actually the story of the remarkable woman and the settling of the Canadian nothwest...well, really Alberta. A young girl from Boston marries a Mounty and is thereafter known as "Mrs. Mike." It is a wonderful book, everyone in our group loved it! (Rarely is that the case on any chosen work.) Come to find out, there is now a sequel, written much more recently, about the next generation. I recommend this book to anyone. If you like to read--if you want to learn more of he history of the time (first quarter of he 1900's) or places, or if you want to read something that is both uplifting and will make you take a new look at what is important in life--this is for you.

Next week I'm going to the library down in Lithopolis and find the sequel. [that is about a 16 mi bike ride round trip, so I have to prepare ahead] :D I've been wanting to do it, so now I have a real reason! Plus I can see the museum at my own rate of speed. None of my kids will have to drive me down, then wait for me, for which I know you will all (E & R) be eternally grateful :D Besides, I need to stretch my wings before ODOT clips them in Sept!


fourth_fret said...

16 miles? that's impressive. or is that the norm?

Allrie said...

Impressive. The norm is 4 mi. and 8 is not uncommon. I plan to take the whole day--but it looks like I'll have to postpone.

I've got to work on the petition more actively his week--we need to get it in, so today and tomorrow I will be talking with the developers in this area where we are most affected. And that means a long bike ride today, and calls to corporaste headquarters tomorrow.