Thursday, May 18, 2006

Running Too Fast

In the scriptures we are warned not to run faster than we have strength. This has often been on my mind of late...I've been so busy with so many good and important things. And I was doing it all! But the scripture entered my mind again and again. Yesterday I woke up at 6:00 am because my hubby had left his alarm on when he went downstairs. After turning off the alarm, I wa about to get up when that scripture went thru my mind yet again. And then I began seizing. That is, I began a day long series of epileptic seizures. So I stayed in bed, dozed, read, and basically just seized all day.

Today I woke up [with my alarm much later!] and hopped out of bed. Nary a seizure all day. I went to my class [but had Erica drive me rather than cycling] came home and relaxed a bit while I read the article in the paper about the traffic light [and saw myself quoted]. Erica and I did go out for a little while this afternoon, but I am taking it easy for a couple of body confirmed what my spirit already knew.

The only question remaining is...why does it take me so long to listen?


April_Mommy said...

We all do it... I push and push and push myself till my hip goes out... then I am always telling myself how dumb it was to let the pushing go so far... frustrating isn't it.

Anonymous said...

It is a common problem. I tend not to have any physical consequence that is really visible. I just get grouchy and short and sometimes achey. It takes a lot longer for me to notice it that way, and I am afraid my kids suffer more in the long run. It is all about balance, but it is so hard to achieve, especially when they are all good things we are caught up in doing. :)

Allrie said...

Some of us just never seem to learn...sigh.

*speaking for myself*

Proud Mum said...

Heh, funny. I just posted on balance and my lack thereof.

I believe that's the true "Curse of Eve."

fourth_fret said...

hmmm. my whole thing about balance ends with tattoos. (ask proud_mum)...

Allrie said...

FF--why do I picture someone wobbling on a balance beam now? [the only good balance I've ever had btw.]

Allrie said...

Angel, After so many decades--I don't really care--just let me stay in bed and doze, and I'm fine. If the seizures weren't so exhausting, I don't think it'd bother me much at all. Now I get just as confused when my sugar drops too low...then there's the potassium levels to watch. Sigh. Some days bed is just best.