Monday, May 01, 2006

May Day

As we have had a most unusual May Day in our country, I think it worth addressing. Interestingly, this was a holiday by our colonial forebearers standards, a day to make merry, a day to wlcome the spring,new growth and the coming market season. A faire day to begin the Faire days to follow throughout the season. (our local "faires or market days begin next Sat)

In the Catholic schools across our nation, May Day is the kick off for the celebration of "The Month of our Mother" celebrating Mary in her role as the Mother of God. It was a big honor in my school to be chosen the one to "crown Mary". We would enter the church in a processional carrying tons of flowers, for a special mass in Mary's honor. As the procession reached the front of the church, one girl ( the honored 8th grader--our school went up to 8th grade) would go all the way up to the statue of Mary on the side and literally crown her with a wreath of flowers. Ironically, the girl chosen from my class was the only non-Catholic in the bunch. But she had earned it. I thought it a freak co-incidence, but when my kids were in Catholic school (one going up to 6th grade) Sariah received the same honor--again the only non-Catholic in her class--except her brother the grade below.

Then the Communists took over May Day, turning it into a "Workers Day" holiday of the Communist Party. It is still celebrated as such in former Communist natons, tho with less and less vigor.

Which brings us to today, 1 May 2006. We do not hear "Tra- la, 'tis May, the lusty month of May..." sung. Nor do we hear young girls voices raised in song, "May is the month of Our Mother, this blessed and beautiful day..." We don't even hear the march of jack boots enforcing merriment upon a tired citizenry. What do we hear on 1 May, 2006 in this great land of ours? Go to and read the brief article explaing the site it directs you to, or go directly to and hear the sounds of this day.

I wanted to cry. I am the grandaughter of immigrants. On the Italian side I am more closely related to many of the so called "hispanics" than they can immagine. My ancestors left Spain the same time as theirs, just went to Italy first rather than the New World first. Yet I've another line that goes back to the early 1600's in MA Bay Colony and the start up of the Plantaion of Rhode Island and Providence Colony.

I defy anyone to find a human being who does not have ancestors somewhere who were a]emigrants by force; b] immigrants by choice; or c] slaves of some sort. All that changes are time and place. Who are the really truly indigenous people anywhere? Archeologists and anthropolists try to figure it out, but are the first to admit that they do not yet know it all. Everytime they find a new piece of the puzzle, it changes the view once held.

Are these "riots" over immigration? No. They are over the "right" of illegal immigrants to come into our nation--breaking the law to do so--and changing our very society.

Example: In the meat packing industry, a decade ago, most of the work was done by about $19.00/hr. Today, most of the work is done by illegals, and the wages have been depressed to an average of $9.00/hr. This is not doing jobs that no one else would do...this is driving down our economy. Would meat prices be higher without illegal labor? Possibly, but by the same token, so would wages for a great many people.

May Day has another meaning. It is a distress call on radio for help! Today as a nation, I think we must call out "May Day."


Lura said...

Funny you mentioned that May Day song, the one in Camelot. I've had it stuck in my head all day long and unfortunatly, I only know that one line!

Today in the county I live in down at the border there was this huge protest going on, people were trying to prevent any cars from coming through the border from Mexico. I first heard one of my friends mention it at school, then I saw stuff about it on the news.

I think the world is going mad.

Proud Mum said...

My husband and I pontificated last night on the significance of the "Workers Marches" and rallies (2 of them in our city at 400,000 people each) on May 1st. Yes, a boon to the communist party.

fourth_fret said...

i'm still reading allrie... just not much to say lately. i guess i just want you to know i'm taking in your words even if i'm not able to say much right now.

Allrie said...

Thanks for reading my rants, Lura, PM and FF.

April_Mommy said...

I watched the news and they talked about Holland... did you know that the Dutch are now requiring you to watch a 2 hour movie, take a huge test, and be able to speak Dutch before you can move there? They want to preserve their country and their customs. I wish that we would take a page from their book...

Allrie said...

Hooray for the Dutch! I seldom agree with them nowadays--but April, thanks for the info, I had no idea! I just know that it is not easy to move to Canada as it was in my youth. I was allowed in with my children only until school began, so that I would not be a drain on the country--of which, my father, a citizen, paid plenty of taxes. Plus he provided a great many jobs in his factories. But I always thought they wre right.