Friday, August 03, 2007


Mon. night I was up into the wee hours of the morning awaiting my traveling child's return as her phone was on the blink and she couldn't call out, tho. she could receive calls. So I, of course, stayed up to check on her periodically. No sweat--no need to rise at a specified time on Tues...

When I did get up on Tues. I called the vet to make an appt for later that day for a cat--and noticed FHC written on the calendar! OH, NO!! My shift at the Family History Center is 10-2 on alternating Tuesdays--excepting fifth Tues.

Since Sun was a fifth Sun, I had assumed that Tues was a fifth Tues, but according to the calendar page, it was only the fourth Tues!!!

Panicked, I called out to Richard that he was going to have to take me to the Stake Center NOW!! I quickly threw on my clothes, grabbed my genealogy bag, reading glasses, and a Glucerna bar to eat en route. Swallowed meds and left. Brilliant.

Upon arrival, I learned that no, it was not MY day, but another person who's day it was hadn't come in, so a building person stayed so that the library could be open [two workers are required.] Patrons were there. I figured it all out--Richard had just turned the calendar page, and so did I without really looking, [brilliant] so I was looking at the last Tues in Aug! Which will be my day. Without panic. But I was able to really help a couple people, so I guess I was supposed to be there that afternoon. Brilliant.

Wed was calmer, Thurs quite busy and today I've just been really tired. All week I've gotten in at least 6-8 miles of riding my bike to various destinations, in the growing summer heat. Now I have plenty to do at home, but I'm just too tired! Brilliant, huh?

But dinner is made--I managed that at least, so now I need to drag myself downstairs to eat it. I need one of my grandkids around to perk up some energy in me. My "aura" is really NOT brilliant just now.

Brilliant--such a lovely word! Thank you Brits for its current usage and Harry Potter et al for bringing it to the minds of countess Americans. : )

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