Sunday, September 23, 2007

Enough is Enough

Enough is Enough is the name of a campaign to ask that performers everywhere behave in a respectful manner when speaking of our Savior. Apparantly some actress--whom I understand is pretty well known--but not to me: Kathy Griffith [?] accepted her Emmy with a statement taking the Lord's Name not only in vain, but doing so in the most calculated and offensive way possible. The Miracle Theatre in TN decided they'd had it, so took out a full page ad in USA Today saying so. All they asked was that respect for our God, or at least our beliefs be shown. Any other religious group would not be forced to receive this growing degredation and persecution in America. I agree, so I decided to tell my family and friends about it. For more info, and to sign the petition [they are trying for a million signatures so it will be listened to, just go to their website--scroll past the theatre info [or read it, as did I] and you will find the whole story. And I was going to say M is for miracles! I'm not sure wether or not I will now...but then again...


terrierchica said...

ok here's the thing

what she said can be offensive, sure, but one must remember it was edited out anyway. and she won a "creative emmy" anyway, which shouldn't even be considered a real emmy. she's like that mother and daughter team that's at the academy awards every year; she's more annoying than famous.

anyway, I don't have a problem with people setting up petitions and such; i do have a problem with them trying to take away a constitutional right (umm first amendment anyone?). and the christians already won, if she had used anyone else but "jesus" in what she said it wouldn't have been censored. they only did it to try and keep the peace.

and if you have a serious problem with her phrase, then have a petition against her show, not her speech, because that's how she talks normally.

terrierchica said...

by the way I realize i have been saying "here's the thing" quite a lot lately, shall i blame monk for that?

Sariah said...

What kathy giffin said was very offensive, and yes, it was edited out when it was shown. Other actors were also carefully edited (Sally Field was edited from saying "If mothers ruled the world, there would be no wars" and Ray Romano was edited from saying something sort of sexual). While it is (pretty much) live TV and those actors are going to say whatever they feel like saying, do we actually have the right to edit something like OPINIONS??? Sally Field had no bad language in her acceptance speech. But the one phrase was edited out because it "might" be offensive to some and "might" be considered anti-war. Well, so what if it is?? She's allowed to be anti-war! She's still a great actress! What Kathy Griffin did was in very bad taste, but she was trying to be comedic. I found it offensive, but I have also heard much worse, and I don't know that what she did can be considered so wrong. Like Erica said... you cannot take away someone's free speech. I am totally against censorship for that reason. Everyone has a right to express themselves and have whatever opinions... they just need to be aware of what is appropriate for young audiences. That is why we can't allow foul language on TV. That is why there is parental warnings on video games and CDs. That is why movies have ratings. To make us aware that there may be something offensive to certain people. not to take away the creative juices of the artists, but to warn those of us who don't like those particular "juices".

And sorry, but I don't believe for a second that "Any other religious group would not be forced to receive this growing degredation and persecution in America". Yes, it seems to be more pronounced with Christianity, but tons of other relgions and beliefs are degraded constantly in the media and by "Christian" leaders every day. Does that make any of this right? No. I believe there needs to be greater respect for all beliefs. Just as I don't want some second-rate comedian making a joke with Jesus Christ as the punchline, I don't think it's right to degrade Muslims for their belief in Mohammad or because extremists are terrorists. It's not right to degrade Jews for not being Christian. It's not right to degrade Orthodox Jews because they dress differently. People here recently got upset because a Friday night football game had to be changed to Thrusday night because of Yom Kippur. What's wrong with showing respect for the Jewish students? We get Christmas off!!

Okay, I could go on forever about all this, but I should stop. Sorry for hijacking your blog. Hope I at least made some sense in all this rambling.

terrierchica said...

sariah definitely makes sense and I agree, especially with the other religions thing, I can't believe I didn't touch on that. right now if any group can complain, it's the muslims. there's so much hatred towards them, and it's really unjustified.

on a side note, the new movie, "the kingdom" does an excellent job of portraying muslims and saudis in a good light, especially one of the main characters who is a saudi arabian cop. it really shows that there's a small percentage of extremists, it's not all muslims. i highly recommend the movie.

Sariah said...

Okay, I read the petition. I like that they are stating that they just want more respect for the beliefs of Christians, and I'm all for that. Nowhere does it say where this petition is going to be sent or exactly what will be done with the petition once all the signatures are gathered. It's not like they are looking for a law to be passed. I think it's less of a petition than it's a "Sign here that you agree with us on this matter". So Erica, don't worry about them trying to take away anyone's free speech. They aren't. They are just asking for people to be respectful. I'm for that. We should all be respectful of other's beliefs, whether it's religious, political, or otherwise.

terrierchica said...

okay but where do you draw the line? I wasn't offended by what griffith said, i thought it was funny. so did a lot of people. so can she still say it, and then put a disclaimer up on her website later saying "i love religion"? i think it's really hard to judge. how about instead...forget any censoring, let everything out!!!

Sariah said...

Telling Jesus to "suck it" is funny?? Sorry, but you have a sick sense of humor then.

I thought it was funny many years ago when U2 won a Grammy and Bono got up there in his thank you speech and said something to the effect of, "Everyone seems to be thanking God for His help on their album and I just have to wonder how often He is up there saying No, don't thank me for THAT! I don't want credit. It was terrible!"

If she had said something to the effect of "I did this all on my own, so there", fine, but she didn't. She said that and added in the part about Christ.

It's fine to ask for some respect. That is not censorship. I've already stated that I don't support censorship. The majority of people did NOT think what Kathy Griffin said was respectful. The minority found it amusing. I'm not saying that we can always go with the majority, but show some respect for the people around you. That's all I ask. And from reading on the website of the peition, that is all the petition is about. People realizing that it's NOT okay to constantly offend. Use some common sense and be respectful of the other people sharing this planet!!

We live in a world of "I'm more important than anyone and I don't care what anyone else thinks." Having a great self-esteem is one thing, but living your life according to exactly your will without thought of others is another thing. I don't push my beliefs on others and I feel that I am respectful of other religions and cultures because I know it's important to them. I don't always understand it and I don't always agree with things, but I'm not out there making jokes at someone's expense or displaying my scorn for the other religions or cultures, either.

Allrie said...

Wow--what a firestorm of response, girls! The petition is simply to run as a paid advertisement to bring attention to the fact that Christians do not find it amusing that their [our] God is continually mocked. It is not saying "censorship" merely saying, "Our beliefs deserve respect, too!"

That football game was so right to be moved! This is a Judeo-Christian Nation and we should show respect for their holy days, too. If a community has a large number of any other religion--Bhuddist, Hindu, whatever, then that should also be respected. In high school, our community had a large number of Seventh Day Adventists. Special arrangements were made so that they could participate in school programs that often used Sat. While we could not avoid the use of Sat, they could be excused without penalty--sports, music & drama all did that.

Sariah said...

Mom, I don't think I would count this as a "firestorm". We're havng a really great discussion here, that's all.