Monday, September 03, 2007

Three Things

1. Experience done with. I'm grateful to have gone though having had a child with Thrush so that when I am asked about its symptoms I can recognize it--but not have to deal with it any more myself. Time for someone else to benefit from my experience.

2. Parades: I love a parade and though our community is small, and the parade was not the fanciest ever, it was a fun time for one and all!

3. Keys--since I have to go to Seminary at 5:45 with Richard until he turns 17, I'm glad I have keys that enable me to work on Pageant stuff by going upstairs as needed, getting into the library as needed, or just taking a nap. I will ride my bike home, but have to wait until it is a] light out, and b] rush hour is over. Then I can cross Hwy 33!


Sariah said...

Th havee thrush is getting better. We have medication now that I get to rub all over his tongue and inside his cheeks, 4 times a day. He seems to actually like the taste of it, so it wasn't a huge ordeal. Yay! And I am eating yogurt like mad in the hopes that he won't pass a yeast infection on to me. Yay for nursing. :(

Allrie said...

I'm sorry--I didn't think about suggesting the yogurt. Duh! I'm really glad that he likes the med :) makes life that much easier.