Tuesday, September 04, 2007

J is for... Jars

The rows of tomatoes in canning jars. Little tiny jars for little tiny babies. Fancy Jars in fancy shapes for perfumes or oils. Jars of plain glass. Jars of blue glass. Jars that are really brown bottles. Jars on a window sill filled with water, but each jar containing a different mixture of food coloring makes a rainbow come in the window. Jars...of creams both as lotions and for eating. Jars with salsas and jars with basalmic oils. Glass jars, clay jars, marble jars. Jars...1" tall in a row on a 3" shelf. Jars 1' tall on a fire place, filled with cat tails and rushes. Jars of paperclips. Jars of coins. Jars...an amazing word for a wide range of similar yet, amazingly different items.


Lura said...

So, do you like jars? I mean that seriously. I really want to know (and in about a month or so you'll understand why I'm interested. :)).

Sariah said...

So, do you like jars? I mean that in a teasing manner. :D hee hee

terrierchica said...

wow. it's almost poetic. and about jars.

Allrie said...

L--Yes, generally speaking.
S--Ha, Ha :D
E--Thanks--I think that was a compliment! :)