Sunday, September 16, 2007

L is for...Light

I really don't appreciate the new OH law which does not yet accept Seminary as school, so until the 20th I have to go with Richard as he cannot drive 'til 6:00am, and Seminary begins at 5:45 am. I have, however always liked the early Light of pre-dawn and the Light of a beautiful sunrise. It makes me feel renewed in a way sleeping in does not.

I love the way a silver lining looks, an edge of Light, caused by clouds and sun lining up just right--and it really does look like the proverbial "silver lining". It tends to make one believe...

I love the look of rays of Light refracted through a cloud--like we see in the movies. Once we saw it from the air in a small plane all around us when I was a kid--a sight I cannot begin to describe accurately. Suffice it to say that it filled me with awe.

The spray of refracted Light that is a rainbow is fun for everyone. You can see them in rain + sun; you can see them in sprinklers. Sometimes we see double rainbows, sometimes just partial rainbows. But the rainbow I remember best was in AZ, as we traveled. It had the most clear, vivid colors--especially purple, that I've ever seen in a rainbow--and Olie [exchange student from Berlin] said he'd never seen a rainbow before!! His first was a real goodie! We have to remember the pollution that Communism had hanging as a pall over East Germany [which surrounded Free West Berlin] while he was growing up. I wonder if he sees rainbows there yet?

Prisms also refract Light, making little rainbows, and it is fun to play with the Light. We have a glass bird feeder hanging on our front porch. It was placed there to draw birds to the front windows for the cats' entertainment...and they do like the birds, but Todd, especially likes the play of the Light as the glass refracts it into the living room. The more birds, the more the Light dances on the ceiling. Now he has discovered that he can make Light dance on the ceiling when he pushes his water dish. The water is acting once again to refract the Light.

In theatre, it is quite simple: The purpose of Light is to make the show visable. But it is usually much, much more. The colors and shadows can affect, even control emotions, without the audience even being aware of the manipulation of their feelings.

We study about the Light of Christ within each of us...that quickening which gives us Life...and we can understand because Light [or the lack thereof] does affect us. Think about it the next time you are at a play, movie or concert. What are they doing with the Light? Speaking generally, Light, like music, plays to the emotions. It affects our attitudes, expectations, and moods.

I will enjoy sleeping in once Richard turns 17 this week, but I will usually then miss out on dawn's early Light. It energizes my whole day when I see it, so, I guess I'll just have to get up--watch the sunrise--and then go back to bed!


Lura said...

Aw, and here I was hoping your L would be for Lura...Oh well. :)

Nice post. Light is a wonderful thing. I especially love sunrises, even though I would like to sleep in past one once in a while.

Anonymous said...

I have been trying to catch up. :) I really like this post - and your past posts as well. :)