Saturday, March 18, 2006

Gettin' Old?

Nothing like "old people" talking about their health all the time, my kids can all know: I had a colonoscopy yesterday. During the course of it, they found a couple of polyps (or as R told E, "pollins") and removed them.* Nothing unusual. I've had vaginal exams that hurt more. I will, however, be taking a pillow to church for that hard pew tomorrow! My tailbone still hurts. And I need to ride my bike on Mon as I'm scheduled for a long overdue mammagram. So I'm doing what I ought. Happy, guys?

I "missed" St. Patrick's Day--forgot to even wear green. Sister Seraphina would be ashamed of me. Erin go braugh.

I'm getting off my tailbone, now:) besides...R wants the computer.

*Don't we all wish we could have our 'pollins' removed? My nose and Todd's (my cat with allergies) culd stop running!


Lura said...

I can't believe you didn't wear green for St. Patrick's Day. Please tell me that at least you didn't wear orange, did you?

Allrie said...

No, I didn't wear orange--do I even HAVE anything orange? I've worn green everyday since, however...I just forgot--sorry.

terrierchica said...

I wore green!

And I got a new shirt that says "St. Patricks Day-2006". I wanted one that said "St. Patricks Day-Southie" but the last one was bought by the person in front of me in line. Grrr.

Allrie said...

I'm jealous TC, I wanted to go to the parade up in Dublin,OH. but knew it was not an option.