Friday, March 10, 2006

The Ugliest Word

The ugliest word in the English language (which is not noted for being one of the prettier languages anyway) is moving. As in, "We're moving to..." Except for the fact that my children and granchildren are all so far away, I never want to hear that word applied to me again. But it will be. I am sooo tired tonight. Sariah, I'm so sorry, I never called you back today. After enlisting Erica's help on the lifting, I got both 5-shelf bookcases assembled. (easy and nice looking--didn't even require any tools unless you afixed the shelves to the wall. I didn't. We move too often. As soon as Richard arrived home from school, I had him lug boxes of Dad's books upstairs. They are now unpacked and organized. (I napped while others did my grocery shopping.) After dinner, I had Dad and R. lug the rest up. They are now all unpacked, and even the garage is organized. I am still looking for my notebook of church scripts, though. I need the Priesthood Reader's Theatre we did in El Dorado. We plan to do it here--if I ever find it!

I cannot believe how much I still need to do in my total organization. Dad has given me the go ahead to build whatever shelves are needed for organization and storage in the garage. (Adult children of mine--that's mostly for your stuff!) And he still wants to park one car in there...ha! I think I see a light at the end of the tunnel, then I look around the computer/genealogy room. Sigh.

I expect I will have everything organized to my satisfaction...and then I should be right on time to help Sariah and family move (the word is OK when applied to someone else.) Tiring and physically exhausting as it can be to help someone else, it is still not like having to restart your own life.

Side note to Cara: you must be getting that rain dance down--it is going to rain in your neck of the 'woods' after 147 or 9 (I forgot what Keith told me) days. Dance away!


fourth_fret said...

yes, allrie, it's been raining non stop since i've been awake today, and i don't know what time it started last night.

also, there was snow in both scottsdale and carefree this morning which totally freaks my brain out. heh.

so glad to have it though, and it looks to continue at least through part of tomorrow. WOOT!

as for moving, i'm with you. when somebody else is doing the moving, it can muster up all kinds of energy... but when it's my move, i get really mad i can't just wiggle my nose, or snap my fingers. heh.

Allrie said...

Would love to see that nose wiggle. Are you sure about not doing it? Can you do it forMY inevitable next move? I am assuming here that your nose wiggle actually accomplishes magical things...

Congrats on the rain. We are also having some--of he droopy drizzly type like we've had every day this week. I don't care as long as it is not too cold--I just have to go blind outside (I still need those tiny windshield wipers for my glases my younger brother alsways SAID he was going to invent. Sigh.

terrierchica said...

oy, mom, what about me? I'm moving too! same city as right now, sure, but I am getting an apartment, doesn't that count for something?

Allrie said...

Yes, Erica, that does count. It's just that I'm still in denial about that. Maybe FF will wiggle her nose for you?:)

fourth_fret said...

well, if my nose wiggling is nearly as effective as my rain dance, erica looks to be a bit up creek without a paddle. heh.

Allrie said...

FF, Au contraire! Your dancing should by now be legendary--you got your rain! OK, so it took awhile, still...

Or, did you not get enough? Are you greedy for more? Remember, you DO live in a dessert!:)

If your nose wiggling is as good, then I think Erica is in good shape. Who else will you help move? Sariah? She'll need it.