Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Sands of the Hourglass

If my life were an hourglass, I'd be at the point where the sands seem to speed up. Time seems to race by, and there is just so very much I want to do. I cannot begin to keep up! Erica pointed out that it is about a year since our trip to Cooperstown, NY. (Baseball museum and Doubleday Field for the kids...genealogy for me) and today at the FHC [Family History Center] (I'm on the 2nd & 4th Tues now...) I'm still finding more records from Cooperstown! It seems like eons ago that we took that trip. R feels like it was just a short time ago--how our perception of time changes. He is getting his driver's permit this week. But it was only a couple of years ago--it seems, that Sariah was getting hers. Where has the time gone?

Sometimes I worry that I fritter away too much of my time. So I work twice as hard to complete something, everything the next day. Until I drop from exhaustion. I'm still working on the concept of not running faster than you are able. Sigh.

In my personal scripture study I'm reading (in Italian--really makes me slow down and truely ponder as I try to understand) and I realize that we are at the very end of the parable of the Olive trees. around vs 75--just before the period of gathering (the millenium) begins. As I read it, we are among the "few" servants doing the final preparations in the vinyard. I feel so responsible.

I feel the need to pick up the pace of my life. Sigh. I've gone back to making lists--something I'd quit years ago because I was driving myself insane, literally. But I am using them judiciously: list of where I need to go and what I need to purchase, where. One does need to plan the time carefully when on a bike.

The weather is warming, so it is getting much more pleasant to be out. Sigh. Better get to bed so I can get up in the morning!:D

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