Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Library fines

Paying library fines is stupid. Sorry, Aiden, (who scolds when he hears the adults in his life say that word) but there it is. The whole point of a public library is so that you can borrow the books for a time--then return them! On time! Heck, they let us have the books for a month here! I finished the book I picked up mostly because I was waiting for my husband. I finished it in the next day, and placed it where he puts his keys etc. so he'd know it was ready to be returned. A couple days later, he gave me the book he had checked out. I read it and placed it with the other. They were due TWO WEEKS AGO, and still they sit. I will go with someone else to return the books tomorrow. I will use a check to pay the fine, and in the corner, on the bottom I will write: "Stupid library fines: I TOLD you to return the books!" Now I feel as though I cannot check out books from the library again. (I had quit using the library in Richmond for the same reason.) If I can't get there on my own steam, I don't feel like I can use the library. Fortunately, there is also a library in Lithopolis, and as the weather warms up, I am going to ride my bike down there. I understand it is just 4 milies from Canal--and I regularly ride 4 miles, so it is just adding 2 more one way. I can rest inbetween, and that way, I can use a library--and not be paying fines!

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